Help with MD5 cracking needed :)

6 years ago


So I was given this string:


and I was told to decrypt it. This is MD5, and some people believe it is in this format $salt.$data.$salt, even though I believe $data.$salt is more applicable to this particular MD5 hash. Am I wrong? I haven’t had any luck decrypting this so I hope some of you hackers have an idea of what I should do next. :) Does anyone want to help me in figuring this out? Thanks

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago


You can’t decrypt it. And if you want to crack it you will need the salt.

6 years ago


It seems to me that something is missing at the end of your string

6 years ago


well, at least I got it right in the title. xD since md5 hashes are 32 chars in length, it means f9db6bf3c0baab21df9bd767a8cd4df4 is the hash and 4c is the salt, right?

6 years ago


Well, it doesn’t tell you anything, really. It could be the salt, it could be some kind of key for an additional operation. It doesn’t even have to be MD5. (But I guess that was given to you?)

If this is all you have, you can only try what you think is reasonable, before simply throwing your hands up in the air and giving up.

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