Don't know if its an exploit or not.

5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


Deleted post.

5 years ago


For it to be an exploit, you have to make the site do something that is not intended, I’d say. At best it is an indication of a possible vulnerability, but this doesn’t sound like something that is accidental.

Are you sure this is exactly what you did? I could see it as a feature to help users, but it seems a bit far-fetched.

5 years ago


Yeah I have tried it multiple times since and it always works, have no idea why in all honesty dude. Thought you guy’s might find it interesting none the less.

I wonder why it would do that then?

5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


Just in case you are not trolling, I tried it and I cannot reproduce. (And it doesn’t let me set an empty password, which would make it work trivially.)

Perhaps you are not logging in via a browser but an app? Or are you being hacked? ;)

After I tried it and tried logging in normally, it suddenly said it was down for maintenance. Perhaps you hacked me? oO

5 years ago


I reported it to facebook bro, maybe they fixed the gap? Rightly or wrongly I told facebook about it after posting this. Highly unlikely I could hack you dude, I can’t even get burpsuite to work properly lol. Highly likely I have been hacked though lol.

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