image hidden

4 years ago


yo guys I wanted to know if there is an app or a way to remove emojis or else things that hide things on an image.
so remove it for watch the things behind

4 years ago


hi guys I wanted to know if there would be a way or an application to remove emojis on a received image that hides parts of it. kind to see the hidden part

f0rk [HackingGuy]
4 years ago


Hey @Luffy0909 !

Curiosity is always appreciated, however, I would implore you to seek the answer to your question through Google (or DuckDuckGo if you’re a privacy freak) or by independent research. If you come up with a method to do this then please feel free to share!

4 years ago


ok, it’s noted but it’s because I did not find it like that

4 years ago


Perhaps first start by more clearly formulating what you want. I can’t get it from your post, so it could be that search engines also can’t from your queries. ;)

fred [feuerstein]
4 years ago | edited 4 years ago


No you cannot easily recover that lost pixels, but you could photoshop it to make it look like it could be genuine

4 years ago


@dloser : I would like to remove an emoji on a screenshot that covers a part of it

4 years ago


Ah… the “hidden” part really threw me off. There is nothing hidden in the image. “Hidden” suggests steganography.

You interpret the image and (apparently) know that something is either conceptually behind something else or that before the transformation to the image there was some 3D nature to what is depicted (like a tree in front of a house in a photograph).

For example, if I take a screenshot of this page and add a big smiley in the center, you think of it as the smiley being “on top of” the screenshot. This is only in your mind; the picture does not contain such information and whatever was “below” the smiley is no longer in the image and cannot be recovered.

Of course, if the smiley would be transparent, some information is retained. And, as @feuerstein said, sometimes it is possible to change the image to make it appear like the smiley was never put there, but this requires guessing as to what was below it and remaking that from “scratch”.

4 years ago


hmmm ok I see!!
so it isn’t possible

fred [feuerstein]
4 years ago


Now we found out that it is impossible, and we hope that we have completely answered your question about satisfaction. If so, you can close this thread now.

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