Ultimate level - Hackthis.co.uk

Mario Nascimento [darkarp]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


I was wondering if it would be productive to add a level without a known difficulty, as in a level where you had to find a vulnerability on this very own website. What do you guys think?

Well obviously this could only be done if the admin of the website aggreed to it and had no third parties involved

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
6 years ago


Let’s say that we’re already “open” for this thing

We’re on the hacker playground but why couldn’t we find vulnerabilities on this playground ? :p
There are vulnerabilities, for sure, the thing is just about finding them

If someone find one ( small or big ), he’d maybe be rewarded with a the Helper medal ( which is not nothing here ! )
Oh and if you find one, don’t just post it, contact me ;)

Happy challenging!


Okay will do!

6 years ago


I need your help: ueers.org.br
It’s spoiling a lot of people… sorry my bad English!

Mario Nascimento [darkarp]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


What do you man exactly ?

Mario Nascimento [darkarp]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


I mean it is has a Wordpress website where the xadmin user proibably has a stupid password…

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