need help

6 years ago


hi, im really new in this, and i want to know how to get a keylogger, i find a lot of pages that say free key loger, but im afraid that they are a virus, please excuse my english, its not my natal language
thank you for the help

Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago


Program one yourself.
If you can do that, then maybe you can use a keylogger and fully understand what the tool you use does and how it works.
No one will give you one here, because of the code of conduct.
The goal here is not to exchange evil tools (and it’s hard to use a keylogger for non evil activities), but to learn about web and computer security on general.

6 years ago


and how can i program one ? or what program is used to program one ?

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


The program will go with the language you want to use, for a keylogger I recommend Java, C or Python

Google it and find by yourself, good luck.

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6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


Learn Language before ask this question

And Google is ( big brother ) your friend

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