On the right track, but stuck.


Odnan [odnaninref]
4 years ago


Sorry for bothering anyone,

I am on the last step I think, I have the cipher and the code and the key and what not, but I cant figure it out. I saw a lot of people saying they guessed the password, and I’ve tried guessing and decrypting scripts, but nothings worked. (Then again, I’ve only been trying for a couple days, can’t expect things to work quickly, right? _()/ )

Does the password have anything to do with castles or fortification? or is that just a hint??? Also what is the 0xBBA5, is it meant to be for the ? of the jumble of letters that led me to the castle/fortification thing, or both even.

Thank you for any help!

f0rk [HackingGuy]
4 years ago


PM @dloser
He LOVES explaining what to do ;P

Odnan [odnaninref]
4 years ago


Haha, sorry, I could take it down if it’s too much info :] but I assume that means I’m on the right track XD

Thanks for your reply!

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
4 years ago


Nope you’re not on the right track, and it’s pretty hard to tell what track is right as nobody finished this level the “right” way

Read the forum and you’ll get what @HackingGuy meant ;)

Odnan [odnaninref]
4 years ago


okay, thank you!

Odnan [odnaninref]
4 years ago


Okay, I got. Thanks everyone!

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