Take me long time to get the second pic...

A nice game of chess


I use Stegsolve and Steganabara to analyse the c8.png, but I failed…

By Color Filter, I can get different pic from c8.png. However, nothing is useful…

Anyone can help me? Just Tips or tell me a RIGHT direction.

I am not familiar with the RGB or any others.

Thx! :)

? [bolofecal]
7 years ago


Try understand the reason for the file is bigger than it should be.

Time Void [Chronon]
7 years ago


Play a bit with the color filter find the weird thing.
After you find it, play with that weird thing

2 replies have been removed


:D Thx bolofecal & Chronon
(How to @ someone in the post…)

I think I should take more effort in the color filter. It is a right way. :)

? [bolofecal]
7 years ago


You’re welcome. :)

Time Void [Chronon]
7 years ago


Good luck

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