Not to able to solve Intermediate Level 4.

5 years ago


I tried to find a solution by trying 10 xss payloads doing exactly what the hint shows but could not solve the level. Then I posted the below message in another open thread but to no avail. So, starting a new one please help.

The exact input expected


to clear this level.

The input provided by me as a user


to bypass the filter.

The output displayed in the div tag is “” which is the exact code being executed.

Please suggest what I am doing wrong also user can try this and then reply with alternate exact solution since I have tried atleast 10 othe xss tags displaying the exact input in the div tag but the level is not completed.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


As for this one ;
What’s displayed is not

Did you find any payloads that inject exactly what’s giving you the level without the level letting you pass?

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