7 years ago | edited 7 years ago


I read all the threads in the four pages of the forum many times and because there is an extreme contradiction in the hints , I could not get any help instead it made me more confused and lost . With 321 tries I could not solve the challenge . Here What I tried so far .

nothing worked for me . I know very well about XPATH injection and how it works and looked in all the links in the forum but I still do not get what I am missing . Any help would be appreciated .

7 years ago


Hi @henry123456789,

You were closer earlier in your examples
In the later examples you are overcomplicating it.

If you send me what your using I will try and help.

you are going a bit overboard with the //users/user

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
7 years ago | edited 7 years ago


There is too much spoil in there, remove the part where you tell us what you’ve tried or I’ll probably delete the thread :D

Edit: Thanks for removing spoilers ;)

Reply has been removed
7 years ago


//users/user selects all “users” databases, while you’re interested in only one database of “users” and all the “user” in it. Also remember you’re looking for a specific person. Took me 2 hours but I figured it out with no prior Xpath knowledge :}

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