think I've figured out the right avenue of attack

Sandra Murphy

5 years ago


okay so here’s what I’ve figured out so far.

clearly I need to do an Xpath injection for some sort but I don’t have experience with XML other than what I’ve researched for the challenge[/Spoiler] and from this I’ve come to two possible solutions <!- either convert normal SQL injections into Xpath injections and see if it eventually works or construct a Xpath query and try to inject that. problem with this is that I’m still trying to wrap my head around how to inject these properly.
[Spoiler]this is the query I’ve come up with so far (//user/users[realname/text()=‘Sandra Murphy’ and password/text()=‘’ or 1=1 and login/text()=‘'or 1=1]) -!>
sorry about the poor typing I’ve very cold.

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


You are on a good track, maybe you find some information on owasp

5 years ago


wait. do I need to call the >> username as well

fred [feuerstein]
5 years ago


You can do without too

5 years ago


just did it.
felt like throwing darts at an invisible board.

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