Curious about something

6 years ago


I was trying to solve this level without doing the math… I tried something and I dont really get what I’m doing wrong.
So the code looks like this :

if (condition):
grant access
dont grant access.

I changed it to if(not condition)
using firebug and tried entering a random password it didnt work .
Can i get a hint please ? I really want to do this without the math :P

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago



$hi = ‘Hello world’;
if($hi === ‘Hello world’) {
// Then there’s no matter if you do echo $hi; or echo ‘Hello world’; right? :)



6 years ago


Well It’s always gonna print a Hello world if you put it …

Which is why i thought that if i change the code to

if ( !condition):
grant access
dont grant

so now if i input a random password that wont match the condition i will still get access..
or not ?
The thing is that I’m challenged to make these levels without learning javascript :P but basic programming knowledge can work here.

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


It doesn’t work because this.

{ document.location = "2?x=" + length; } ```  
*2?x=+lenght[/u] is going to redirect you to the page that'll tell you "successful level". you know?*  

$lenght = ‘Something’;
$password = $_POST[“password”];

if($password == $lenght){

 header('Location: nextpage'.$password.'.php');  


 echo "Dawg, your password isn't correct!";  


well, if you know about programming you should know what’s going on when you’re changing the code in something like

if($password != $lenght){

Yeah, you’re right, everything except what “lenght” means, it going to be the right one, but then you’ll be redirect to something like * “nextpage(whatyoutypedhere).php” * , and that’s not the right page.

6 years ago


Oh okayyy deal so i need to redirect to what it actually is not what i typed…
see I didnt understand the redirection part :P
Thanks a lot!
I guess i got it now

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


Yep tho, what I wanted to say you with my first post is that you don’t need to follow all those variables, if the total is in one of them, just print it.

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


Tbh i dont know how to print variables in java :P
As I said i have general knowledge about programming, some object oriented using c++ but not java :P
So I was figuring out the syntax from reading the code , but unfortunately there was no print syntax in the source :P

EDIT: Well i looked out how to print the password since changing the code didn’t work …
Probably need to understand java more…

fred [feuerstein]
6 years ago



Smyler [WHGhost]
6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


The correct way to output something to stdout in java is using
System.out.println("Hello Word!");
It adds an extra line feed character to your string, use the print method if you don’t want it.

As @feuerstein pointed out, you are probably mistaking java and javascript. They are two very different languages. The correct way to output something in javasccript is using
Console.log("Hello World!");
Again, it adds an extra line feed at the end. The output is either printed in the browser’s console or to stdout in Node.js .

Javascript and java syntax may seem similar, but they serve two different purposes and use two different syntax. Have a look at this .

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