Console.log acts weird, probably not on the right track, just curious

Intro 10

7 years ago


Hey everyone, I just got stuck at this level and tried to debug and see if the value in the checkbox gets modified after I press submit.
To see the value at first, I did this:

```if ($(‘.level-form #pass’)[0].value == thecode){console.log(“correct”)}


So, theres a lrt/rtl translation, but the mentioned file “main.js?1446747682:289” only says “reverse console.log blaaa”.
Can you confirm that this is not relevant to the challenge?
Looks a bit weird to me :P



No just this level, try console.log anywhere on this website, it will give reversed string.

7 years ago


Yeah, thought so.. but now I’m confused, people in the forums mention “j3.php?pass”, but I don’t have the j3.php part in my source. I saw someone did the level just an hour ago, when I started… is the forum outdated on this?


Well I know why the console is acting weird
The console.log function is overrided
Like this
var console = {}; console.log = function(){alert("Hah, you are a fool!")};

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