false code

Intro 8

5 years ago


Hey, i think i’ve got the right password, but it doesn’t work. I have changed the order of the letters but i got the same result.
All my letters are capitals, so i don’t know, what’s wrong. Please help me.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


Could you please read other threads ?

5 years ago


Sorry i looked in other threads, but noone helped me

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Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


Read them again and again until you get that your problem is explained and solved in > 10 threads

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5 years ago


Oyyy Luffy i’m not understand what u mean. Im sure i have the good uername and password because i search on google. i also have did some research about SQL and i still not understand what is it.
if you could tell me more. ( sorry for my bad english im french)

5 years ago


I think i understand ( https://www.hackthis.co.uk/levels/main/8 ) but when i write m8.php itsnot working. im on windows. pls help

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


Hey, it’s not as easy as you would think then :p
Check the hint and if you’re really lost, check other threads. But if you’re stuck again, feel free to PM me
Here’s the hint ;
[quote=Main 8]
The coder has made the same mistake as level 4 but this time at least he has tried to protect the password. The password has been encrypted, convert the binary into something that is easier for humans to read (base 16).

If you think you have the right answer but it isn’t being accepted, submit your answer in CAPITALS.

Hey, c'est pas aussi facile que tu le pense alors :p
Lis l'indice qui est disponible et si t'es vraiment perdu, regarde les diffents sujets de ce niveau. Mais si t'es vraiment bloquet que tu n'arrives plus rien, n'hste pas m'envoyer un MP.
Voici l'indice traduite en franis, si jamais tu as quelques soucis avec l'anglais :p ;
[quote=Main 8]
Le codeur a fait la me erreur qu'au niveau 4 mais cette fois il a au moins essayde proter le mot de passe. Le mot de passe est encod convertis le binaire en quelque chose plus simple lire pour nous Humains (base 16).

Si tu pense avoir la bonne ronse mais qu'elle n'est pas accept soumet ta ronse en MAJUSCULES.

ps: there is an error in this hint, it’s not “encrypted”, but “encoded” to be exact.

5 years ago


What a beginner I do, I just confused a letter and a number ;D
I finally have the right answer thx.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


Very well done! Now try other levels :)

5 years ago


Ahah noob problem solved ! Congratulations to both of you ;)

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