I thought I had understood

Intro 9

4 years ago


I understand this level like this :
Email1 is the user’s email, to test the validity.
Email2 is the address to send the info.

So, I put the admin email (found in the hidden field) as the email1,
and my own email as email2.

I still have the error message “Incorrect email address ”

Am I correct ?


4 years ago


Hello there,

i think you got it wrong bud, i really want to help you without making it too easy but it’s really hard

this is how i managed to finish this level,

i just imagined what the server side code could look like (what are the conditions to fullfill in order to pass )

if it doesn’t do it for you, you can also try to mess with the 2 inputs an see what happens everytime you send something.
That also helped me in the beginning .

sorry i know it’s not helping that much but it’s still something :)

Have a good day

sorry for my english : /

4 years ago


Thank you for your answer ;)
One good night of sleep, make my ideas clear

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