I suck at finding correct directories

Library Gateway

derpderp [rsyed]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


Hey all,

This is the closest directory path I’ve gotten that would give me access to the user/pass? Obviously I know my directory path is still wrong, but what am I missing to find the correct path?


Possibly place /extras/ between /levels/ & /real/ might be a step closer? Not sure..

The first part was taken from the code:

document.location = "/levels/real/2?user=" + document.getElementById('username').value + "&pass=" + document.getElementById('password').value;   

The second part was taken from the obvious portion of code:
URL= "members/" + username + " " + password + ".htm";

If you are useful in the answers below, I thank you greatly, if you repeat to me what others have said in other threads, please don’t post.

Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


Soooo, you guessed an “obvious” url and you didn’t even try to run it in your browser ?

derpderp [rsyed]
5 years ago | edited 5 years ago


I afraid your ^ hint wasn’t that helpful to me. But in any case I think I made some progress. As little progress as it may be, I get a Correct Status code (200 Ok) from the Inspect Elements page using the following URL:


Unfortunately it still gives me invalid details, so I’ll keep trying things around and looking at the source code from a different perspective.

I’m also confused about the empty quotations in the URL:
members/" + username + **" "** + password + ".htm"
Does this mean, this is where the other subdirectory is meant to go?

I think I’m blind to see what is obvious to others :(

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Mugi [Mugiwara27]
5 years ago


I almost gave you the solution in my previous post :p

why do you keep trying path/2?user&pass/members ?

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