URL shows Error

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


I have found the files which implement the login portal.
I also found the Hashed Login Details, from the source, as follows

m[m.length]=new Array(“66913”,“78323683”,“Ksrg”,“/oiAguA/ykdp/8?rF=xhyvAttm”);
m[m.length]=new Array(“644543”,“859223813”,“Krteb”,“/ohCeux/rlho/6?ww=wjwzohhw”);
m[m.length]=new Array(“16130”,“78323683”,“Osqqrxz”,“kxyr://FED.mrslnn.kvs”);
I used hash collision to find the details for the all the three cases.
The second one <!- Username:ecbbgfd Password:sgnfialkn (may vary of course) [/Spoiler] leads to “Error Accesing Resources”
The link it leads to :[Spoiler] https://www.hackthis.co.uk/levbpv/ri9l/3?pt=rhwwgeep

I even edited the url so it made more sense, eg
[Spoiler]Changing levbpc to levels etc. -!>

The other 2 don’t seem noteworthy(corresponding password is too default,and they are not working anyway)
Am I missing something??

6 years ago


Never mind,got it..

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