C Tough Exams

6 years ago | edited 6 years ago


I Recently learnt C language and I have been practising everyday for a month.I had learnt C from a private institute. Now they conducted their own exam for certifying us. All people in my batch are good at C including me,but in exam all failed. There was no question on programming or logics. All questions were information based which we had never come across when we learnt C.I am starting to doubt myself now because there were many questions which had keywords that we hadnt heard in all life. Please guys recommend me the best and the hardest book on C.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
6 years ago


Learn C the hard way is a great book.

If you have some questions you can post them here, I’ll try to answer them.

6 years ago


@r4v463 Does this book give plenty of Information? Because we are not tested on our Practical skills,we are tested for information learning.

SIGKILL [r4v463]
6 years ago


It gives a lot of informations and makes you practice.

Which type of question do you have? low-level questions like memory management or what’s going on besides the C code?

6 years ago


@r4v463 a combination of both with more of the latter types

SIGKILL [r4v463]
6 years ago


You can post some questions and I can help you if you want.

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


Post your questions and yeah Learn C The Hard Way is a really usefull book with a lot of information.

We are still here if you have something to ask.

6 years ago


Ok Thanks I will definitely refer the book and get to you for any difficulties @r4v463 , @DIDIx13

6 years ago


Am I the only one that has no clue what is meant with “information” here?

SIGKILL [r4v463]
6 years ago


Nop, but I think that reading this book won’t be useless ^^

@sarrocks that’s why if you have concrete examples of questions you should post them here so we can give you some informations and explanations.

Darwin [DIDIx13]
6 years ago


dloser when someone has a problem, repair it or reinstall it before understanding what the client talk about :D

6 years ago


I’ve read The C Programming Language by K&R, it had a lot of details imo.

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