Servers, Servers, and more Servers!

7 years ago


Hello, HackThis!!

I’m now getting into building/managing dedicated servers. I now have a home server setup (actually 2 servers, running about 7 different services). I would like some advice on this matter if you guys would be so kind as to give me some :).

I would like to know, for a dedicated server, which would have something like Apache, TeamSpeak3, Bots, FTP, SSH, and whatever else types of services on the server; what kind of hardware do I need for something like this?

Also, what are some good server operating systems? I currently am using Ubuntu Server 16.04 (Xenial), though I’ve heard that CentOS is pretty good for servers.

I would like something secure and fast too, also something that has lots of storage and great specs (without breaking the bank hopefully). I kind of want to start small though for now, like running a few services on the server.

So really, what type of servers should I be looking for? I’ve heard of Rackmount Servers, Storage Servers, and a couple more, but for this purpose and running these services, what type of server should I really look into getting?

Thanks in advance!

7 years ago


Also, which ones would be the cheapest servers for things like SSH, TeamSpeak, and maybe a Minecraft and Garry’s Mod server (maybe a couple more)?

Smyler [WHGhost]
7 years ago | edited 7 years ago


I am running a Minecraft server with my own home server I built from various computers going to trash, but it handled it well, with a core2 duo so… The thing for Minecraft is the ram, and if you got more than two players at the same time (loading different zones) you will need about 2 to 4 Gigs dedicated to java. With that said, I only run Minecraft, apache, ssh, ftp and few other small servers, so adding other game server would need more power.

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